Tuck Frump!!!…Or something
Degenerate liberals are at it again! By now many of you have seen the “Tuck Frump” video on YouTube. Now don’t be fool by the incredibly clever and very original use of Pig Latin. File this one under “cringe worthy”. If the disproportionate ratio of dislikes vs. likes weren’t an immediate sign of the brain dead, pathetic attempt at “comedy”, maybe the disingenuous, baseless attacks will be. Now in the interest of saving the readers of this post a wall of text to debunk this mess, I’m going to let Paul Joseph Watson do the honors…
Well done Mr. Watson, well done!
Now I would’t call myself a “Trump supporter” I personally am on the fence about him but I just could not resist showing everybody the level of stupidity coming out of a leftist’s mouth. I don’t know about you, but I find it hilarious that in classic liberal form, they get offended by words and then respond with, you guessed it, vulgarity! This is just further validation that in order to destroy a liberal just shove a microphone and camera in their face and they can’t wait to broadcast their SJW credentials to the unsuspecting public.
Now if you’re feeling like a little rebel and have a thing for self punishment, here is the link to original video…